Playdate in a Box

Today on Mama Finds we feature Letitia Fox, creator of Playdate in a Box who is bringing old school play back for kids! Remember when we were little and actually played with our friends without electronics? As a mom of two children, Letitia wanted to inspire her kids to play with their friends instead of just watching tv (I’m sure you can relate!) It can be challenging to find interactive activities for children, so she created my new favorite  “go to” when friends come over: the Playdate in a Box! It encourages kids to put technology aside and use their imaginations! “My dream is to inspire children to use their own creative imagination – with a little help from my product – and make a positive difference in their adult lives,” Fox said.



“I was looking for  playdate activities for my son and his playmates that were fun and creative. I went out to the stores looking for something for 2 kiddos and I could not find it! So I created the Playdate in a Box. A themed costume playdate box with dress up and activities that keep the kiddos entertained for hours!” -Letitia, Playdate in a Box




“I am passionate about what I do because the boxes encourage children to put technology aside and embrace their own creative imagination and play with their friends. I am on a mission to bring old school play back for kids! Join the movement. #bringoldschoolplayback” -Letitia, Playdate in a Box

Currently there are 5 themed Playdate in a Box boxes: The Superpower Girl, The Superpower Boy, Pirate Adventure, Rockstar Diva and Rockstar Dude. Each box contains a “secret scroll” that helps take kids through an imaginative adventure, as well as costumes, stickers and markers with which kids can customize their playtime experience. The boxes also make great gifts and are ideal go-to playdate box for playdates! Here are the top 3 boxes:

Superpower Girls Playdate in a Box





Superpower Boys Playdate in a Box

Pirate Adventure Playdate in a Box



Currently there are 5 themed boxes and you can check them all out and order on Amazon (and the best part is they are available for Amazon Prime!!!) There is currently a discount promotion running now so order soon so you don’t miss out on this great deal:

New box concepts are in the works! Follow on Instagram to see when new products come out: @playdateinabox


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