Seize Every Moment

“The best things in life are not things…they are MOMENTS”

In the fast-paced world that we live in, it’s just too easy to get busy being busy. Today there is a “glorification of busyness” that many women fall into, and moms are the most susceptible to this trap. How do I know this? Because I’ve been there. When people would ask me, “How are things? How are you?” my response would be “Oh things are crazy!” or “I’m SO busy!” Where I should have said “I’m doing well”, I instead wore my busyness like a badge of honor. And I know I’m not alone… I hear people say this pretty much everyday. Although I’ve gotten much better about this, I still have to pause for a moment when people ask me this question and stop myself from saying “I’m so crazy busy.”


A year ago when I first began making a conscious effort to avoid busyness for the sake of busyness, I also began “Friday Fundays” with my toddler son, Carson. I realized that my week days were so scheduled with work obligations and our weekends were filled with social events and catching up on housework…I felt like I wasn’t getting enough time to just focus on my son! I was scared his childhood would fly by and I would look back and regret not spending more quality time with him. So I blocked off all the Fridays in my calendar and wrote “Friday Funday”: a day dedicated to just being with my son. One of the perks of being a college professor is that I have somewhat of a flexible schedule, so taking Fridays off just made sense. On Fridays we usually do one thing where we play (i.e. beach, park, pool, aquarium, etc) and go one place to get a treat! Sometimes the treat is healthy since my son and I both love smoothies… but a lot of times it’s a donut or ice cream!


I recently found this toddler t-shirt by BEcoming Threads that says “Seize Every Moment” and I HAD to have it! Aside from having an obsession with graphic tees (for both me and my son!) I just love this message… “Seize Every Moment” is my mama mantra! Plus this cute tee has a Mickey Mouse on it so he loved wearing it when we went to Downtown Disney the other day. When he saw that his shirt had a Mickey on it he got so excited and said, “Mama, I in Mickey Mouse clubhouse now!” 🙂

“Time is something we all have in common, but what we do with it is what makes us different. When we’ve gone to Disneyland with our families, we go ALL DAY, from sun-up to sun-down. Trying to seize every moment together to make great memories” –BEcoming Threads


“BEcoming Threads offers simply stated apparel with high quality printing and soft and wearable fabrics. You will always feel confident and comfortable when you wear BEcoming Threads to share your story. This is our Story…Let What You Wear Tell Your Story. – BEcoming Threads


Check out the “Seize the Moment” t-shirt and all the other REALLY cute products by BEcoming Threads on their etsy site: Some of my favorites are the “Live and Let Live” and “Keep it Simple” graphic tees.

So have you ever fallen into the “Busy Trap”? Comment and let me know what you do to “Seize the Moment”.

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